The School Day and Class Groups


The school day at Pond Meadow is the same for children of all ages and amounts to 29 hours per week. 

School hours during term time are:

Monday to Thursday: 9am - 3pm

Friday: 9am - 2pm

We organise all classes by key stage and it is therefore useful for you to know which year groups are in each key stage.

Primary Year Groups and Key Stages

  • Nursery and Reception Years (3-5 years old). More commonly known as the Early Years Foundations Stage (EYFS)
  • Key Stage 1: Years 1 to 2 (5-7 years old)
  • Key Stage 2: Years 3 to 6 (7-11 years old)

Secondary Year Groups and Key Stages

  • Key Stage 3: Years 7 to 9 (11-14 years old)
  • Key Stage 4: Years 10 to 11 (14-16 years old)
  • Key Stage 5: More commonly referred to as College or Sixth Form. Covers Years 12 to 13 (16-18 years old). Subjects/curriculum at this level are more tailored to each student’s further education.