Whole staff

Our Team

Our staff are our most valuable resource and are committed to ensuring that all the work we do supports our vision and values.

We currently (2023-24) have 19 classes across the school with up to 9 pupils in each class. Class teams include a Teacher, Lead Teaching Assistant and 3-4 Teaching Assistants.

Staff teams across the school that support all aspects of effective teaching and learning are detailed below:

Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Extended Senior Leadership Team (ESLT)

Emily Hayward - Stubbs

Headteacher and Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Whole School Leadership, Strategic Planning, Vision and Quality of Provision, Deputy DSL,  Accounting Officer. 

Mel Harmes 

Deputy Headteacher: Whole School Curriculum, Data and Assessment, Safeguarding Strategic Lead, Deputy DSL

Sarah Nash

Assistant Headteacher: Primary Department Lead + Curriculum, Pastoral Lead (Well-Being and Positive Behaviour Support Link), Therapy and Medical Lead, Children Looked After (CLA) Lead, Deputy DSL

Jill Inglis (0.6)/Yolandi Johnson (0.6)

Assistant Headteacher: Secondary Department Lead + Curriculum, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Lead, Secondary Positive Behaviour Support Link, Deputy DSL

Katy Etherington-Smith (0.6)

Assistant Headteacher: Teacher Development and Support, Pupil Premium Lead, ECT Lead, Deputy DSL

Steph Millard

School Business Manager and Chief Financial Officer: Financial Management, HR Management, Recruitment, Premises, Health and Safety, Administration Management and Operations

Rosie Flavin

Designated Safeguarding Lead, Attendance Lead

Phase Managers/Specialist Teachers 

Jennifer Hall

Phase 1 Manager (Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1): EYFS Curriculum, New EHCP Assessment and Deputy DSL

Springboard, Ducklings, Robins, Bluebells

Rosie Fearn

Phase 2 Manager (Key Stage 1 and 2) and Equalities Lead: Phase Curriculum, Timetabling and Deputy DSL

Dragonfly, Ladybirds, Poppy, Hedgehogs,

Verona Perry

Phase 3 Manager (Key Stage 2): Phase Curriculum, Sport Premium and Deputy DSL

Herons, Kingfisher, Rowan

Phase 4 Manager

Phase 4 Manager (Key Stage 3 and 4) and Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Phase Curriculum and Deputy DSL

Willow, Maple, Lavender, Waterfall

Emma Evans

Phase 5 Manager (Key Stage 3, 4 and 5): Phase Curriculum, Vocational TEACCH and Deputy DSL

Elm, Beech, Owls, Primrose

Andrew Reynolds

Postitive Behaviour Support Lead and Deputy DSL

Paige Youd

Whole School Assessment and Accreditation Lead 

Chloe Burnell

Resources Lead

Jaime Lewis

Lead Teaching Assistant Positive Behaviour Support

Lisa McKeown

Lead Teaching Assistant Academic Mentor

Class Teachers 

Jeni Hall

Springboard Class (EYFS)

Jeni Hall

Ducklings Class (EYFS)

Amy Osborne

Robins (KS1)

Kirsty Martin

Bluebells (KS1)

Hannah Hayden

Ladybirds (KS1)

Jennie Spear

Poppy (KS2)

Rosie Fearn

Dragonfly (KS2)

Alice Allan

Hedgehog (KS2)

Louise Bishop

Rowan (KS2)

Verona Perry

Herons (KS2)

Tanya McGlynn

Kingfisher (KS2)

Julie Lodge

Lavender (KS3)

Andrew Reynolds

Maple (KS3)

Chloe Burnell

Waterfall (KS3)


Willow (KS3/4)

Abigail Pantling

Primrose (KS3/4/5)

Elle Palmer

Beech (KS4)

Emma Evans

Elm (KS5)

Megan Skipper

Owls (KS5)

Family Support Team

Catherine  Hayward

EHCP Co-ordinator

Annie Robertson

EHCP Administrator

Louise Gilks

Primary Home/School Link Worker

Nicola Cossey

Secondary Home/School Link Worker

Business and Operations Team

Julie Harper      

Office Manager

Sonia Tull 

Pupil Adminstration Officer

Jeanette Kett


Mickeala Philpott

Finance Assistant

Andy Poulton

Site Manager

Michael Farlam

Site Assistant