Swimming pool edit 2

PE & Sport Premium

PEC: Students Favorite Physical Activity Drawing

The PE and Sport Premium is additional government funding to improve the quality of PE and sports activities offered to pupils in school. At Pond Meadow the PE and Sports funding is used to:

  • Secure and enrich the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision
  • Increase participation in PE and Sports so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach performance levels of which they are capable


Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium: Stakeholder Feedback 2022-23

Evidencing the Impact 2022-2023 Updated Costing Review

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium 2022-23

Past use: 2021/22

Impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium: Stakeholder Feedback 2021-22

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE Sports Premium 2021/22

Past use: 2020/21

The total funding for 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021 is calculated on pupil numbers and the confirmed amount is £16,560.

  • £11,000 was used to purchase static exercise equipment to enable pupils to independently raise their heart rate with minimal adult support (following a visual schedule to enable them to use different pieces of equipment and programme the amount of time independently).
  • The remaining £5,560 has been carried forward to the 2021/22 year to support a range of off-site activities that will enrich the quality and breadth of PE provision at Pond Meadow and increase motivation and participation in PE and Sports including swimming, gymnastics, forest schools and beavers.

Past use: 2019/20

The total funding for the financial year 2019-20 was £16,550

We employed a dance teacher for the year and all Primary aged classes benefitted from a dance programme every Wednesday. This was a core part of our PE Grant provision with a cost of approx. £8200 for the year.

Pond Meadow School has a hydrotherapy pool that all students from Reception age to at least Year 6 have the opportunity to access on a regular basis. The primary use is for students with profound and complex needs to be able to carry out hydrotherapy and physiotherapy programmes. All other pupils within these year groups are then offered the chance to develop their water confidence outside of these primary sessions. £1000 per year is used on a recurrent basis from the PE Grant for staff training.

Following the disruption to pupils' education caused by the Covid pandemic, the focus for the balance of this year’s PE Grant, approx. £7350, will be to support physical activity as part of the autumn term 'Welcome Curriculum'.

The school also wishes to develop greater opportunities for pupils who are wheelchair users, or who have limited mobility, to engage in supported physical activity at break and lunchtimes. The original planned use of the 2017/18 budget was to support an activity track but this has been severely delayed by ongoing building works over the last two years. Following Governor discussion, the remaining £10,485 has been redirected to supporting the installation of a wheelchair enabled swing and roundabout so that there can be a more immediate impact for these pupils.


The enhanced PE grant in 2018-19 was £16,000 plus £10 per Primary age pupil. Part of this grant was used to train our hydrotherapy pool staff, employ additional poolside staff and to employ a specialist dance teacher, the balance was put together with the balance from 2019/20 grant for the development of the outdoor sports track.


The main use of the grant in past years has been to support our hydrotherapy work and provide specialist dance input to the Primary aged pupils.

The amounts the school received in PE and Sports Grant were:

2017/18 - £16,540

2016/17 - £8,200

2015/16 - £8,200

2014/15 - £8,200

2013/14 - £8,210