EYFS (including Springboard Specialist ASD Assessment Nursery)
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Pond Meadow has 3 Early Years classes: Springboard Green, Springboard Yellow and Robins
Springboard is a specialist nursery and reception class for pupils with severe learning disabilites and ASD which is split into 2 groups: Green and Yellow.
Robins is a nursery and Key Stage 1 class for learners who have complex needs, including medical and physical needs.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) there are 7 areas of learning.
There are the 3 prime areas that support the development of curiosity and a love of learning:
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional development
Physical Development
The 3 prime areas are strengthened and applied in the 4 specific areas:
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
Our teaching teams in the EYFS ensure that every child has their individual needs met and develop ways for children to express themselves, working on discovering their preferred method of communication, building on their strengths and interests.Every child is different and their learning journey at Pond Meadow will reflect this.
To create an exciting and engaging curriculum in the EYFS we work on a curriculum cycle. Please see more curriculum information and see the curriculum maps below.
Our cycles cover the different curriculum areas and provide a content overview for parents and carers. More detailed information about the curriculum is sent home each term for our families.
Nursery pupils access sensory circuits, outdoor climbing equipment and soft play.
Reception pupils access on-site swimming, soft play and off-site forest school.
These experiences not only enhance student’s curriculum learning but also encourage them to develop their confidence, independence, curiosity and social interactions.
An example medium term plan can be found here: Early Years Example MTP
How would you rate your overall Springboard experience?
-My Springboard Experience survey July 2022
Springboard is a nursery and reception class where each child is seen as an individual and is offered a bespoke experience that meets their individual needs. All successes are celebrated no matter how small. Springboard offers a calm, low distraction, total communication environment with consistent routines to enable pupils to be in the best place for learning.
We work closely with families and caregivers to ensure a successful experience is had by all. We work cohesively with families to ensure that strategies are implemented in all settings to increase impact.
Nursery pupils in Springboard are offered part time placements either morning or afternoon sessions five days a week.
“I feel my son gets all the help and support he needs”
“everything was done perfectly to work around my son.”
-My Springboard Experience survey July 2022
Please see example timetables for nursery and reception below:
What children learn in Springboard
Children have access to a stimulating, broad and balanced curriculum based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
This covers the following areas: personal, social and emotional development, communication and language, physical development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts and design. The sessions are planned and there is a topic related to a story book every half term. Each child will have Individual Health Care Plan (IEP) targets which are set from the outcomes underlined in their EHCP.
Preparing for the next stage is a vital part of what we do in Springboard. We are constantly thinking about next steps and how we can best support the children and their families with this. We will do our best to support you with finding a suitable school place for your child and teaching them the skills they will need to start a successful school placement.
Life skills are an area we focus on in Springboard. It is never too early to work on independence skills. This not only supports children for their next steps in education but starts children on their paths to becoming valued members of society.
Some children do move from Springboard into Ducklings Class (after following the application process set by the LA). The transition into Ducklings is planned to be as smooth as possible, with a visit day, visuals and support prior to starting.
Strategies we use
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- Aided Language Displays (ALDs)
- Communication books
- Attention Autism
- Intensive Interaction
- Sensory processing strategies
- Multi-sensory activities
Who supports us?
The Springboard Early Years team includes a fully qualified teacher, a trainee teacher, two lead teaching assistants and 5 teaching assistants.
Karen Cooper is Springboard’s Speech and Language Therapist who is highly involved and supports the children in Springboard. She supports staff with training as well as training for families and any other professionals involved with the child.
Springboard has onsite nurses who can offer support with any medical questions or referrals.
We have access to Occupational Therapists who are onsite 1 day a week to seek advice from.
Springboard also has access to a Clinical Physiologist, Ellie Burch, should we need to request guidance or support. Ellie also offers training sessions to our Springboard families.
“We had a very good experience. All the staff and the SLT team were brilliant. The suggestion was always specific and actionable. The level of detail we received show that you really care about his development.”
“Great support from Karen Cooper”
“Attentive staff, great care”
“Friendly and caring staff”
-My Springboard Experience survey July 2022
Communication with families
Communication with families is something we pride ourselves on in Springboard. We have excellent relationships with the families we work with and the feedback we receive is always positive. We communicate with families though:
- Home/School diary, we will write in this daily detailing what your child has achieved, plus any domestic messages. We love hearing about what you have been doing at home too.
- Shared Learning Journal: we use this to share photos each week of what your child has been doing. We also love to add photos from home too. Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, we will print them for you.
- Pick-up/drop off
- Reviews: once the EHCP is finalised we will review the outcomes every 6 months while your child is in the Early Years.
- Phone calls: whenever required
- Training sessions/parent and carer workshops
- Termly class visits
- Autumn and Summer Term Parent/Carers and Professionals evenings
- Whatever you need!
“My son developed a lot during the period he was with Springboard. We are sure there are much more than what we saw in the journal book you wrote for us, and from many conversation with the teachers we feel that you really care about him as you notice even small/subtle things.”
-My Springboard Experience survey July 2022
Transition into Springboard
We aim to make the children’s start in Springboard go as smoothly as possible. The children offered a place are invited to attend an Open Day with their families and to meet the staff and see the nursery.
We will then provide you with resources to help prepare your child for their start with us in September. Springboard will also work incredibly closely with families, any previous settings, Portage, LEAP, Early Help etc. To ensure we are fully informed and prepared to support a ideal transition.
The start of the first term in Springboard will focus on commuication strategies, building trust with staff and establishing positive relationships. Once the right communication system is decied on for your child, trust is established and the children feel safe and respected their journey to making great progress begins!
“1-1 engagement and the materials provided prior to starting helped him understand he would be going to a new nursery. Activities he could engage in as we felt he was somewhat excluded in his old nursery.”
“Fantastic. Couldn’t get through the door quick enough.”
-My Springboard Experience survey July 2022
If you would like to arrange a tour of Springboard please call the main school office:
01483532239admin@pond-meadow.surrey.sch.ukIn the meantime, we below you will find a short video which outlines what the nursery offers and what it looks like.
Places are allocated by Surrey Local Authority (LA), if you are interested in a place at Springboard please contact your child’s Case Officer at the LA.
If you are offered a place by the LA and you choose to accept this Springboard will shortly be in contact. We will write to you to offer you a morning or afternoon place, invite you to attend a Open Day and inform you of a start date. The open day is a great opportunity to meet the staff, get a feel for the nursery and we can answer any questions you may have.
Robins Class (Sensory Learning)
How would you rate your overall experience with Robins Class?
Feedback from Robins Class parent Sept’ 22
Robins Class is an Early Years and Key Stage 1 Class where every child is seen as an individual and offered a carefully crafted curriculum, designed to meet their individual needs and based on their EHCP. Staff are able to work with parents/carers to start the EHCP process if this is not yet in place. We celebrate all successes, no matter how small. Robins Class is set up to be a safe and stimulating place for children to explore, have fun and learn.
There is a qualified teacher, lead teaching assistant and typically at least two teaching assistants (though staff numbers can vary as they are linked to the needs of the children). Staff work closely with parents and carers to ensure children settle well into Robins. Input from families is highly valued and there is a close working relationship between staff and families to enable children to make the best possible progress which can take them forward in both their next steps and in life. Staff are highly skilled and trained with the support of an onsite nursing team. Staff are familiar with supporting medical needs as well as physical needs.
For more information about the sensory curriculum please click here.
Places are allocated by Surrey Local Authority (LA), if you are interested in a place at Pond Meadow please contact your child’s Case Officer at the LA.
If you are offered a place by the LA and you choose to accept this, Pond Meadow will shortly be in contact. We will write to you to offer you a morning or afternoon place for the nursery, invite you to attend an Open Day and inform you of a start date. The open day is a great opportunity to meet the staff, get a feel for the class and we can answer any questions you may have.
An example timetable: