Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development and Religious Education


Pond Meadow Academy Trust has a strong commitment to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) of all pupils. The school vision and values, agreed by the school community, strongly support this commitment.

At Pond Meadow, SMSC development is continuously promoted through both the academic and wider school curriculum to encourage pupils to celebrate differences, value and respect others, promote their creativity and develop an appreciation for the world they live in.  

Spiritual Development is when we:

Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.

Moral Development is when we:

Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.

Social development is when we:

Use a range of social skills; participate in the local community; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the 'British values' of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.

Cultural development is when we:

Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

Religious Education

Early Years

In the EYFS, religious education is thematic and the topics explored are based on the children’s own lives and experiences. Children are introduced to Christianity and also introduced to other religions and beliefs represented within their own class/cohort through exploring celebrations, stories and family traditions personal to the children. 

Key Stages 1 & 2

In Key stages 1 & 2, RE is taught through a topic themed approach and discreet lessons are taught twice a week in dedicated half term modules when the topic is appropriate e.g. ‘Celebrations’. The teaching of RE is also regularly incorporated into the PSHE curriculum through specific modules such as ‘Similarities and Differences’. At Pond Meadow we have adapted the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for statutory RE provision throughout our  curriculum and also dedicate themed days to celebrate religious celebrations and festivals throughout the academic year.

A daily act of collective worship is held in each class and is used as time of reflection and celebration of daily events.

Parents/carers may ask for their children to be withdrawn from RE and appropriate alternative activities will be provided.

Key Stages 3 & 4

In key stages 3 & 4, RE is taught through the PSHE and RSE Curriculum across modules such as 'Our Community', 'Being a British Citizen', 'Discrimination and Bullying' and 'Cultural Diversity'. At Pond Meadow We have adapted aspects of the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for statutory RE provision into the curriculum and also dedicate themed days to celebrate religious celebrations and festivals throughout the academic year.

A daily act of collective worship is held in each class and is used as time of contemplation and reflection where pupils are encouraged to look back over their day and identify areas of success and areas of growth, to support their own personal development and prepare them for success in the wider world.

Parents/carers may ask for their children to be withdrawn from RE and appropriate alternative activities will be provided.

Key Stage 5

In Key Stage 5, RE is taught through the PSHE curriculum across modules such as ‘our Community’, ‘Volunteering & Helping Others’, ‘Taking Care of my Environment’ and ‘Different Cultures & Religions’ which is structured around the Preparing for Adulthood outcomes. The teaching of RE in Post-16 follows guidance from the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for statutory RE provision and also dedicates themed days to celebrate religious celebrations and festivals throughout the academic year.

An act of collective worship is held each day and used as a time to encourage students to evaluate and explore their own behaviour and ideas, develop their ability to articulate their own beliefs and engage in respectful communication with others. These sessions are aimed to support students to develop their own ethical and spiritual values alongside their own personal responsibility as they mature into adulthood.  

Parents/carers may ask for their children to be withdrawn from RE and appropriate alternative activities will be provided. Once a student has reached the age of 18, they may withdraw themselves from the teaching of RE ‘on grounds of conscience’.


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SMSC Policy Nov 22 28th Nov 2022 Download