Key Stage 5 (Post-16)

Key Stage 5

Post 16 at Pond Meadow

Welcome to Post-16! We offer a vocational curriculum for students aged 16-19 to create meaningful learning opportunities for life beyond Pond Meadow. We aim for our students to be as independent as possible to support them to reach their full potential.

We teach functional English, Maths and ICT. PSHCE is delivered weekly covering important topics such as ‘Online Safety’ and ‘My Future’. The preparing for adulthood outcomes are embedded in the Key Stage 5 curriculum:

  1. Friends, Relationships and Community
  2. Employment
  3. Independent living
  4. Good health

Students will take part in volunteering and work experience placements suited to their individual interests. Previous placements include Starbucks, the National Trust and Surrey Wildlife Trust. We are supported by Enterprise M3 to engage with activities linked to careers guidance. Sport and leisure activities are a very important part of our timetable to promote physical fitness and mental wellbeing. Activities include companion cycling, orienteering and accessible cricket. Local college links support students transitioning to new placements in year 14. 

For an overview of our curriculum, please see our Key Stage 5curriculum map by clicking here. 


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Equality in the Post-16 Curriculum

All students, regardless of their learning needs or profile have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum to equip them with the skills they need to succeed.

We ensure that this is embedded throughout the curriculum by:

  • Ensuring the curriculum is structured in a way that promotes equality of access for all groups of learners and best prepares them for their next stage. 
  • Using teaching resources that reflect the diversity of the school community and wider society, including race, religion and gender.
  • Providing a variety of opportunities for pupils to celebrate their own culture and learn about the culture of others. 
  • Involving parents and carers in the curriculum and encouraging them to be active participants in their child’s education. 
  • Celebrating differences and promoting attitudes and values that challenge prejudice and discriminatory behaviour.
  • Using teaching strategies that are personalised and inclusive of the learning needs of individual pupils.

Qualifications and Accreditation in Key Stage 5

ASDAN Personal Progress

Students follow the ASDAN Personal Progress accreditation scheme and are supported to reach diploma level by the end of year 14. 

For more information about ASDAN, please click here.

National Open College Network - NOCN


Some students may work towards completing the NOCN entry-level awards in Maths and English (entry 1 & 2) during their time in key stage 5.  

For more information about NOCN, please click here.